Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Asia Pacific Natural Products Expo (NATPRO) was specifically designed to be the ultimate sourcing showcase for both suppliers and buyers of herbal and natural products. The 5th Asia Pacific Natural Products Expo 2008 (NATPRO 2008) offers a perfect platform for maximizing business opportunities throughout the Asia Pacific region. The Expo is absolutely the right choice to achieve your business plan.

NATPRO is scheduled to be held from 27 – 29 March 2008 at Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It connects sellers and their products with buyers under one roof at the same time.

ImageFor those from outside Asia who are natural product manufacturers, marketers or buyers, priceless access to exclusive raw materials and expertise that have stood the test of time.

ImageFor Asian farmers, manufacturers, researchers and marketers, an unparalleled opportunity to showcase to the rest of the world the efficacy and reliability of their indigenous products and expertise, and to expand international market boundaries.

ImageFor all involved in the herbal and natural products industry, an excellent opportunity to network and share business wisdom and foresight.

Take advantage of emerging markets, learn new trends, issues and opportunities in Malaysia and the region, and position your business as an industry leader at NATPRO 2008.

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